Sunday, March 9, 2008



One of the most serious environmental problems today is that global warming, caused primarily by the heavy use of fossil fuels. To overcome these problems the photosynthetic microalgae are the potential candidates, for utilizing excessive amount of carbon-di-oxide. Because when cultivated these organisms are capable of fixing carbon-di-oxide to produce energy & chemical compounds upon exposure to sunlight. The derivation of energy from algal biomass is an attractive concept in that unlike fossil fuels. Since microalgae are called the scavengers of environment, because their biomass has more advantages than the fossil fuels viz… it is non explosive. Example – 150’C biodiesel compared to 64’C of petroleum diesel &also it is biodegradable, free from sulphur & it reduces the emission of carbon-mono-oxide & carbon-di-oxide. Among the microalgae, Botryococcus braunii is an unique microalgal strain having 86% of long chain hydrocarbon which is directly extractable to yield crude oil substitutes by both physical & chemical process. However, the economics of fuel production from microalgal biomass is largely dependent on a microalgal carbon-di-oxide fixation step to that required for the production of biodiesel.